The Bosnia Times, which is published in English and Bosnian, published Harun Yahya’s article “We need the special language of peace” on August 03, 2014. You may read the article at the below link.
We need the special language of peace
Op-Ed: Peace is a Special Language We All Must Learn to Speak
Yemen Needs Democracy and Peace
Language of peace should prevail among nations
Mindsets need to change for a permanent peace in Yemen
Polarization Can Be Solved by Using the Language of Peace of the Qur’an
''We want peace and stability in the Caucasus''
We’ll do everything we can for the peace
Polarization Can Be Solved by Using the Language of Peace of the Qur'an
The ugly body language of the hypocrite
Communication and Signalling in the Language of Birds
The Qur"an was translated into Hungarian language
Muslim Peace Force Needed
We need an ‘energetic’ push for global peace
Women so special
Special bureau for violence against women
Sarkozy: "Arabic is the language of the Future"
Mindsets need to change for a permanent peace in Yemen ||National Yemen
The sermons are recited in three languages at Tokyo Mosque
UN Needs to Reform
1500 Special Operations Officers Barricaded Cizre with a Huge Operation
A ‘Muslim Union’ is the Need of the Hour
Peace in Macedonia for Peace in the Balkans